Author: Dawid

Adding Quartz to your ASP.NET Core

This is a ready made example of how to add a scheduled job to your ASP.NET core web application:

In your Program.cs

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Is my code not working?

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How to regain space after dropping columns in SQL Server

I hit an annoying issue today. I wanted to regain space after I dropped several columns in a table. When I run the famous query from StackOverflow:

I got a set of numbers which were the same before and after the removal has

There is, however, a potential issue with this approach if

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Transaction log is full due to LOG_BACKUP

Yesterday, when I was building a large DB from scratch I got an error saying:

Running this simple query solved the issue:

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The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constrain

I've been trying to apply a new migration and I was getting the following error: The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_dbo.Parent_dbo.Childs_ChildId". The conflict occurred in database "parents_db", table "dbo.Childs", column 'ChildId'. In my case, the table contained data. Therefore, either you have to assign a default value, set it as

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MediaElement Not Firing Events

Today, we encountered quite an interesting problem. MediaElement wasn't firing events. Using simple speech synthesis on Windows 8.1 using the speech synthesiser we tried:

None of the variations worked. The speech worked just the event wasn't getting fired. After a bit of digging it turned out that in order to fire events MediaElement must

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Implementation Overview in FHIR

Paradigms In order to make FHIR interoperable, it was based on 4 paradigms: RESTful API Documents Messages Services This is what's called an exchange framework. REST FHIR was primary designed to be used with Restful services which handle all requests. Restful service implies that we have a choice between using JSON or XML and it

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My Woes with Oracle Databases

I have been extensively working with the Oracle Database over the last couple of weeks. I thought I would share some of my experiences. The version I've been playing around isn't the newest, but, it roughly compares with the versions of MySQL and SQL Servers when I was learning databases. There is quite an interesting

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Architectural Views

Architectural views represent a perspective of looking at a particular problem solution. There are different standards. And different versions of diagrams. That is because one diagram rarely would give you everything you'd want. So you sort of mix and match. We have to recognize that there are many stakeholders in the system: from architects themselves,

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Databindings - small values treated as 0s

Today, I encountered an interesting problem with WinForms. In the application, NumericUpDowns (shown below) were used with small values e.g. 0.00001 etc. However, after we refreshed the panel, the value was being set to the default value. Digging further into the problem it turned out that the default Microsoft DataBinding converter was unable to convert

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